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Innovation and Inventiveness

in Statistics Methodologies



The field of statistics continues to offer profound contributions to many branches of science, medicine, and industry. In the rapidly-evolving information age, we have access to overwhelming quantities of data for the study of complex phenomena. This creates both challenges and opportunities for statisticians, and demands innovative and inventive statistical methodologies. Although some research has been done on high-dimensional, complex data, the field continues to evolve, offering a plethora of promising research topics. Now is a critical time for the development of deep, broad, and formal statistical theory and methodology; our field is in a position to grow and make influential, invaluable contributions to society at large.
This workshop will bring together some of the most prominent researchers in the field. They will review the most important and influential statistical advances in the comparatively short history of our discipline while embracing the present and future challenges and opportunities for the profession. The workshop will provide a venue for promising young researchers to interact with these leaders of the field and each other, presenting their new research, generating fresh ideas and leading to future collaborations and discoveries.


jwd jan 2009