
2011-12 Academic Year

Spring '12: Information Theory [STAT 364/664, AMTH 364, EENG 454]
Spring '12: Advanced Probability [STAT 330/600, MATH 330]
Fall '11: Not teaching

2010-11 Academic Year

Spring '11: Probabilistic Convex Geometry [STAT 604b]
Fall '10: Probability Theory with Applications [STAT 241/541, MATH 241]
Fall '10: Statistical Inference [STAT 610]

2009-10 Academic Year

Spring '10: Information Theory [STAT 364/664, AMTH 364, EENG 454]
Spring '10: Theory of Statistics [STAT 242/542, MATH 242]
Fall '09: Statistical Inference [STAT 610]

2008-09 Academic Year

Spring '09: Not teaching
Fall '08: Statistical Inference [STAT 610]
Fall '08: Introduction to Statistics: Data Analysis [STAT 106/506]

2007-08 Academic Year

Spring '08: Theory of Statistics [STAT 242/542, MATH 242]
Fall '07: Deterministic and Stochastic Optimization [STAT 637]

2006-07 Academic Year

Spring '07: Not teaching
Fall '06: Information and Statistics [STAT 669]
Fall '06: Optimization and Convexity [AMTH 237/537]

2005-06 Academic Year

Spring '06: Stochastic Processes [STAT 251/551]
Spring '06: Topics in Applied Mathematics [AMTH 252]
Fall '05: Information and Probability [STAT 668]
